Tuesday 25 October 2016

MFB: December 1975

Monthly Film Bulletin
December 1975
Vol. 42 No. 503

An American Tragedy
USA - 1931 - 96m - bw
Paramount (Banned)
D: Josef von Sternberg

USA - 1973 - 95m - col
Fox-Rank (AA)
D: Georg Fenady

The Bit Player
Salut l’artiste
France/Italy - 1973 - 96m - col
Tigon (A)
D: Yves Robert

The Bruce Lee Story
Bruce Lee: A Dragon Story
(USA: The Dragon Dies Hard)
(aka: Super Dragon)
Taiwan - 1974 - 90m - col / scope
Tigon (AA) (cut)
D: Shut Dik

USA - 1975 - 101m - col
D: Jeannot Szwarc

Caged Heat
USA - 1974 - 83m - col
Target (X)
D: Jonathan Demme

The Cannibals
I cannibali
(USA: The Year of the Cannibals)
Italy - 1969 - 87m - col / scope
Cinegate (AA)
D: Liliana Cavani

A Dragon Story
[see: Bruce Lee Story, The]

Legend of the Werewolf

The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle
(aka: Every Man for Himself and God Against All)
W.Germany - 1974 - 110m - col
Contemporary (A)
D: Werner Herzog

Farewell, My Lovely
USA - 1975 - 95m - col
Fox-Rank / Avco Embassy (AA) (cut)
D: Dick Richards

Fighting for Our Lives
USA - 1974 - 58m - col
The Other Cinema / United Farm Workers
D: Glen Pearcy

Five Fingers of Death
Shaolin Martial Arts
(aka: Martial Arts of Shaolin)
Hong Kong - 1974 - 105m - col / scope
Columbia-Warner (X) (cut)
D: Chang Cheh

USA - 1974 - 106m - col
CIC (X) (cut)
D: Phil Karlson

The Goalkeeper's Fear of the Penalty
Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter
(USA: The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick)
W.Germany/Austria - 1971 - 101m - col
Cinegate (A)
D: Wim Wenders

Great Expectations
UK - 1975 - 124m - col
Scotia-Barber (U)
D: Joseph Hardy

Gunman in Town
Una nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana
(USA: Light the Fuse... Sartana is Coming)
(aka: Cloud of Dust... Cry of Death... Sartana is Coming)
(aka: Run, Man, Run... Sartana’s in Town)
Italy/Spain - 1970 - 99m - col / scope
Golden Era (A)
D: Giuliano Carmineo [as: Anthony Ascott]
Series: Sartana: Pray forYour Death (...se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte, 1968).

Hester Street
USA - 1974 - 89m - bw
Connoisseur (U)
D: Joan Micklin Silver

Hugo the Hippo
USA - 1975 - 78m - col
Hemdale (U)
D: William Feigenbaum

Innocents With Dirty Hands
Les innocents aux mains sales
(USA: Dirty Hands)
France/W.Germany/Italy - 1975 - 125m - col
Fox-Rank (AA)
D: Claude Chabrol

UK - 1975 - 117m - col
United Artists (X) (cut)
D: John Byrum


Island of Crime
Sequestro di persona
(USA: Sardinia Kidnapped)
Italy - 1968 - 95m - col / scope
Golden Era (A) (cut)
D: Gianfranco Mingozzi

USA - 1975 - 125m - col / scope
D: Steven Spielberg
Followed by: Jaws 2 (1978, Dec/1978), Jaws 3-D (1983, Dec/1983), Jaws: The Revenge (1987, Oct/1987).

The Killer is on the Phone
L’assassino... è al telefono
(USA: Scenes From a Murder)
(aka: The Final Curtain)
Italy/Belgium - 1972 - 102m - col / scope
Cathay (AA)
D: Alberto De Martino

Legend of the Werewolf
UK - 1975 - 90m - col
Fox-Rank (X)
D: Freddie Francis

Loves of Liszt
Szerelmi almok: Liszt
Hungary/USSR - 1970 - 185m - col / Superpanorama 70
Gala (U)
D: Márton Keleti
6-channel stereo

USA - 1925 - silent - bw
D: Robert J. Flaherty, Frances Hubbard Flaherty

USA - 1974 - 102m - col
United Artists (A)
D: Gy Waldron

Night Caller
Peur sur la ville
(USA: Fear Over the City)
France/Italy - 1975 - 125m - col
Columbia-Warner (AA) (cut)
D: Henri Verneuil

Permission to Kill
(USA: The Executioner)
UK/USA/Austria - 1975 - 97m - col
Columbia-Warner (AA)
D: Cyril Frankel

The Progress of Peoples
UK - 1975 - 79m - col
D: Kieron Moore

Return of the Big Cat
USA (TV) - 1974 - 70m - col
Walt Disney (U)
D: Tom Leetch

Sharks’ Treasure
USA - 1974 - 95m - col
United Artists (A) (cut)
D: Cornel Wilde

Somebody's Stolen Our Russian Spy
O.K. Yevtushenko
Spain - 1967 - 108m - col
Tigon (U)
D: José Luis Madrid [as: James Ward]
Series: Licensed to Kill (1965, Sep/1965).

The Streetfighter
Hard Times
USA - 1975 - 93m - col / scope
Columbia-Warner (AA)
D: Walter Hill

The Ups and Downs of a Handyman
(aka: Confessions of an Odd Job Man)
UK - 1975 - 90m - col
Target (X) (cut)
D: John Sealey

Les valseuses
(USA: Going Places)
(aka: Making It)
France - 1974 - 118m - col
Cinegate (Banned)
D: Bertrand Blier
Rejected by the BBFC in 1974, then passed uncut with an 18 in 1992 when submitted by Gala.

Venial Sin
Peccato veniale
(USA: Lovers and Other Relatives)
Italy - 1973 - 97m - col
Columbia-Warner (X)
D: Salvatore Samperi

White Line Fever
USA - 1975 - 89m - col
Columbia-Warner (AA)
D: Jonathan Kaplan

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